Hello everyone,

Last week, I had a meeting with Juliusz Chroboczek who explained me in details the routing protocol of Babel. I understand the protocol itself better now. This little talk gave me more information on the abstract part of the routing protocol but I still need a little time to understand the source code.

As I do not need to care about the underlayer, that zebra handles already, I can focus on using higher level functions.

As far as the merge of the code of Matthieu on source-sensitive routing in babel over the source-sensitive version of zebra is concerned, I am facing challenges as the version of Matthieu doesn’t use the zebra functions yet. I am having a meeting with him today and I will try to get more information about the functions I should override/keep on both sides.

Juliusz and Matthieu also advice me to install a VPN in order to connect to a proper mesh network from anywhere. I will do my best to install OpenVPN with their help and will be then able to test my work more properly.

On another topic, I also managed to install my first route between two computers. There were some communication between the two computers, but I will need a little more work in order to fully understand the mechanisms of a mesh network.

My next goal will be to connect to the mesh network of the Université Paris Diderot via VPN and try to merge the code of Matthieu inside the already existing code.

Seeing the source code on one hand and the practical use of mesh network on the other is quite exciting and I am eager to pursue my work on this project.
